Is all extra virgin olive oil the same?
The short answer is no, not all extra virgin olive oils are the same!
There are many factors which influence the quality and character of extra virgin olive oil, such as the variety of olives used, the time of harvest, and even the growing conditions. Extra-virgin olive oil is an unrefined oil, the highest-quality olive oil you can buy, and it’s more to do with the processes involved in production that lead us to a higher quality oil.
Be careful though, not all oils that claim to be extra virgin really are extra virgin! There are very specific standards oil has to meet to bear the “extra virgin” label.
When you purchase La Española olive oils, however, we guarantee that you are buying authentic olive oil that meets those extra virgin standards and stays fresh throughout the process, from the tree to the table of every home. This allows us to preserve all its intensity in both flavour and taste.
What is the difference between Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Pure Olive Oil?
The difference between extra virgin olive oils and pure olive oils is simply down to how the olives are processed. That’s right, it’s nothing to do with the colour!
Once olives have been harvested, they undergo a cold extraction process to obtain La Española Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This olive method gives the oil a higher level of acidity, which is what makes it perfect for dressing or seasoning.
La Española Pure Olive Oil is a perfect blend of virgin olive oil and refined oil, mixed and obtained without the need to add any solvents. This oil is ideal for cooking because it has a more neutral taste and a higher smoke point.
Does olive oil improve with age as with wine?
Olive oil, like all other edible fats, starts deteriorating after it is made. So, olive oil is better for you when you use it sooner! The fresher the oil, and the higher the quality, the more health-giving properties it has. This is also why olive oil should be kept away from heat, and exposure to light and air should be minimised.
Does the color of the oil determine its quality or flavour?
The idea that green olive oil is better-tasting and higher quality is an urban myth. It’s mostly down to the variety of olives used to produce the oil determines its color, or the ripeness at time of harvest; unripe olives create greener oil and ripe, purple-black olives produce golden-toned oil. The fact that the color of the oil is greener does not necessarily indicate that the oil is of a better quality.